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Selected Registry Pages, St. John's Prostestant Episcopal Church, Glenwood, Mills Co., IA

Note: I was researching Andersons, but other surnames are included

Surname List:

Anderson, Bays, Blur (Blue?), Boyd, Brainerd, Brown, Carboni, Claiborne, Colburn, Collett, Cogialer, Crehan, Crane, English, Erwin, Fallon, Fisher, Graham, Gillette, Hall, Hamilton, Harrison, Hickox, Hodges, Huff, O'Brien, Oyler, Jackson, Johnson, Keller, Kempton, King, Lathrop, Leachman, Meese, Merritt, McKee, Miller, Miles, Modie, Mogridge, Murphy, Newville, Pinkney, Ring, Ross, Ruffner, Slack, See, Skillicom, Solls, Weatherill, Wilkins, Williams

Registry Page Links

History of the Church, Founded in 1882, History, Page 2
Families Key, Families Page 22
Baptisms Key, Baptisms, Page 44, Page 45, Page 46,
Confirmations Key, Confirmations Page 82
Communicants Key, First FamilyCommunicants Page 92
Marriages Page 122
Deaths, Page 142, Page 144
Photo of First Vestry Names of individuals are not written anywhere on the photo, but the man and woman at the right might be William H. and Ella J. Anderson

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