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Selected Deeds - Jefferson County, VA 1801-1861

Note: these deeds are listed in order as they occurred in the books, sometimes deeds were recorded much later than their execution. In addition, I was focused on John, James, William Anderson, and the pre-1840 records, so didn't record all of them.

1805 John/Sarah Anderson to John Kennedy
1805 Wm. Anderson, et al to William P. Flood, book 3, p 870
1814 David Anderson [son] from John Anderson, B&S, book 8, p 274
1814 John/Sarah Anderson to Sarah Carlile [daughter], B&S, book 8, p 276
1814 John Anderson to Thomas Gill, B&S, book 8, p 278
1827 Jonathan M. Anderson to William E. Anderson, B&S, book 21, p 423
1838 William Anderson & Samuel B. Anderson from Andrew Hunter, Comm., Deed, book 22, p 385
1840 William Anderson to Henry Brown & others, B&S, book 24, p 196 a lot in Bolivar
1846 William Anderson to Susan Downey, B&S, book 28, p 174 a lot in Harper's Ferry

I also found, but did not photograph the following:

1807 M. Anderson & wife, deed, to Curtis Grubb, book 1, p 5
1802 John Anderson from Wm. Chery, B&S, book 1, p 346
1801 Mahlon & Rebecca Anderson to Curtis Grubb, Book 1, p 378
1806 Mahlon Anderson & wife, deed, to Joseph Crane, book 3, p 243
1806 Mathias Anderson from John Ott & wife, B&S, book 5, p 1

1826 David Anderson from John Anderson, lease, book 14, p 136
1831 Nimrod Anderson from James Stubbfield, B&S, book 16, p 372
1832 William Anderson from Timothy Herrington, Deed, book 17, p 259
1832 Jonathan M. Anderson from Maurice W. Baker, Trust, book 17, p 276
1832 William Anderson from James B. Wagner & Co., Lease, book 18, p 1
1832 James & Co to James M. Brown, B&S, book 18, p 121
1833 John Anderson to Joseph F. Daughey, Trust, book 18, p 341
1833 Jonathan M. Anderson from John Y. Useld, book 19, p 20
1834 William Anderson from Edward Lucas, Trustee, B&S, book 20, p 161

1834 Mary Anderson to Francis Gardner, B&S, book 20, p 126 Mary Anderson, Lacy Anderson, William L. Hall & his wife Mary Ann buyland for 1300 VA$, this was land originally owned by Mathias Anderson, bought from Frances Gardner
1837 William E. Anderson from Jonathan M. Anderson, B&S, book 21, p 423
1837 Jonathan M. Anderson from Levi Steadman, Trust, book 21, p 427
1837 Jonathan M. Anderson to Adam Rhudsman, Trust, book 22, p 100
1837 William Anderson from William McLecy, B&S, book 22, p 107 Wm. bought land at auction 1837 William Anderson from Evanah Phelan, B&S, book 22, p 146 Wm. bought a house in Bolivar from a widow
1834 Samuel B. Anderson & Co. from Andrew Hunter, Deed, book 22, p 385
1838 William Anderson to Isaac Smith, B&S, book 23, p 32
1841 William Anderson & Co. from Andrew Kennedy, B&S, book 24, p 196 case at law wherein Anderson & others bought land at auction, settled in their favor
1841 William Anderson to Governor Thomas W. Gilmore, Bond, book 24, p 342
1841 William Anderson from Andrew Kennedy & S. T. Daughtery & Co, B&S, book 24, p 454
1837 Jonathan M. Anderson from William E. Anderson, B&S, book 28, p 231 from William E. Anderson & his wife Elizabeth Ellen, of Bolivar, $500 for a house and lot on Union Street in Bolivar
1846 William E. Anderson from Andrew Hunter, B&S, book 28, p 243
1847 Robert A. Anderson to Jonathan M. Anderson, Trust, book 29, p 168
1847 Jonathan M. Anderson from Robert A. Anderson, Trust, book 29, p 168
1847 William Anderson to Frederick A Reeder, B&S, book 29, p 246
1847 William E. Anderson from James Copeland, B&S, book 29, p 254
1847 William E. Anderson to John E. [???], B&S, book 29, p 254
1849 Jonathan M. Anderson from Thomas Russell, Trust, book 29, p 620

1849 William Anderson to Susan Downey, B&S, book 30, p 306
1850 William Anderson & Co. from Austin McCan??, book 31, p 25 Apparently William Anderson fronted the payroll for work on the armory in Harpers Ferry, in return for rights to be paid by the US government, probably at a discount, and then must have gone the to government for reimbursement. ... or something like that.
1850 Wm & Samuel B. & Co. to Hilleacy Anderson & Col. S. Steadman, B&S, book 31, p 180 I have a photocopy of this. William Anderson and his wife Sarah, and Samuel B. Anderson and his wife Elizabeth, sold to Hilleany Allison & Charles Steadman a house in S. Bolivar, the same house which was sold to Wm. Anderson & SB Anderson by Timothy Herrington in 1831. William's notarized signature was from Baltimore, MD, 1846, and SB signed before a notary in Prince George Co., MD in 1846
1850 William & Co from G. W. Dudrow, Assignment, book 31, p 275 similar to 1850 Anderson from Austin McCan, above
1852 Nimrod Anderson from William McPherson Adam, B&S, book 32, p 189
1822 Frances H. Anderson from William S. Jones, Trust, b 32, p 316
1822 Frances H. Anderson from William Daughtery (sp?), B&S, book 33, p 5
1853 William E. Anderson from Benjamin Hobbs Trust, book 33, p 328
1853 William E. Anderson from Gerad B. Wagner, Exec, B&S, book 34, p 252
1859 Joseph H. Anderson from Nimrod Anderson, re Lease, book 39, p 60
1859 Nimrod Anderson to Galloway Anderson & Joseph H. Anderson, deed, book 39, p 60
1860 John W. Anderson to David P. Hoffman, Trust, book 39, p 133

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